Jul 2Liked by Maryjane Osa

Hitler knew that the key to his power was to control the courts. So did the Heritage Foundation et.al.. This plan was a long game that was played, with Democrats naively choosing judges that were actually impartial jurists, Republicans were choosing those with a patina of impartiality but who were secretly members of these "think tanks". These judges were never vetted for their membership in these societies and the Senate took them at their word. The LIFETIME appointees knowingly lied during their confirmation hearings (remember Anita Hill testifying at Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearing and how no one in the Senate believed her and jump forward to Christine Blasey-Ford and Brett Kavanaugh) and were paid handsomely for their accomplishment. Now, the deck is sufficiently stacked that it is going to take DECADES to undo the harm. Their needs to be a major restructuring of the courts (NO lifetime appointments and, perhaps, expansion of SCOTUS) to undo the damage to democracy they have created. The last time this type of court happened, it took a CIVIL WAR to bring about the change. And the America the founders envisioned barely survived that war. Will our democratic republic survive this court, with or without a war? Democrats better realize that voting itself is NOT enough to change our trajectory. And thaat despite his age, Biden is the biggest threat to the Republican plan, no matter his age!

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I agree with you. I think there's a way forward but I'm too depressed to write anymore today.

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I used to compare these Spremes to the Taliban judges, but that was unfair to the Taliban judges.

Sure, they both share a love of Theocratic Kakistocracy, twisted logic, and cherry picking/making up history from 300-1400 years ago. But at least the Taliban judges have high approval ratings, and they are not whores.

Our Supreme geniuses who know nothing about science and history have appointed themselves arbiters of all that is true. They managed to write an opinion the other day about laughing gas (nitrous oxide) while the scientists testified about poisons (nitrogen oxide).

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